Quality Management: The secret to a scalable accounting practice with John Rea and Rachel Fisch

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Why do so many accounting firms fail to grow effectively? One common reason is that owners struggle to maintain the high quality their clients expect as they delegate work to staff. Learn simple steps you can take to implement Quality Management in your organization. You'll free up your own time so you can stop worrying so much about current client work and focus on prospects and growth.
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Connect with Our Guests

John Rea
: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-rea-04553013/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/johnrea88

Learn how Scrutinize helps accounting and bookkeeping firms close client books faster and more accurately: https://www.scrutinize.io/

Rachel Fisch
: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelfisch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fischbooks

Learn more about RealtyTax: https://realtytax.ca/

Connect with Blake Oliver, CPA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blaketoliver
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blaketoliver/

Creators and Guests

John Rea
John Rea
Building automation software for bookkeepers. Founder of @scrutinize_io. Prev. founded @pachafinserv.
Rachel Fisch, CPB
Rachel Fisch, CPB
Accounting & Tax for Real Estate Agents & Brokers, Technology advocate, former @Deloitte & @Sage_Canada, Inaugural member @accountingsalon, 80s Music Nut
Quality Management: The secret to a scalable accounting practice with John Rea and Rachel Fisch
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