Why Peloton co-founder Graham Stanton wants you to IPO on QuickBooks

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Graham Stanton ran accounting and finance at Peloton. He hired the first CFO, oversaw a troubled ERP implementation, and resolved to someday make it possible for every QuickBooks company to avoid a costly ERP implementation.
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Connect with Graham Stanton
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/grahamstanton/

Learn more about Avise: https://avise.com

Connect with Blake Oliver, CPA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blaketoliver
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Creators and Guests

Graham Stanton
Graham Stanton
Co-founder of Avise. Previously co-founded Peloton. I've never had a fully formed thought in my life.
Why Peloton co-founder Graham Stanton wants you to IPO on QuickBooks
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