Did They Just Kill Desktop? 2023 QuickBooks Update with Hector Garcia, CPA
Download MP3Major changes are afoot in the world of QuickBooks. QBO and Payroll prices are going up. Intuit is phasing out QuickBooks Desktop Pro while touting QuickBooks Online and Enterprise as the future, though Hector predicts Desktop will still have a 2024 edition. QBO Advanced still needs improvements, like reverting to a static navigation bar, and Hector is excited about new integrations with QuickBooks Checking. Tune in for insights from Hector Garcia, CPA, on the past, present, and future of Intuit’s small business accounting software.
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- (00:00) - Quickbooks dropped the ball with QuickBooks Checking
- (00:57) - Earn Free CPE
- (01:18) - Welcome Hector back to the show
- (02:41) - QuickBook Online price changes
- (06:46) - How will Intuit make sure its LLM is learning the right things?
- (10:17) - What's new with QuickBooks Desktop Pro and Premier?
- (18:26) - Why can't QBO do better inventory and what apps do you recommend for inventory?
- (19:43) - Let's talk about QuickBooks Checking
- (27:25) - Are you recommending QuickBooks checking to clients? And what do they need to do to get to that point?
- (31:30) - Revisiting Hector's 2022 predictions for QuickBooks Desktop
- (33:06) - Some new features
- (37:41) - Hector's QuickBooks browser extension RightTool
- (40:44) - How do you protect client information in RightTool
- (42:12) - Hector sold his tax practice and he's having a conference in Miami
- (46:19) - We're launching a new QuickBooks podcast!
Download the Earmark CPE App
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/earmark-cpe/id1562599728
Connect with Our Guest, Hector Garcia, CPA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hectormgarciacpa/
Subscribe to updates about the Unofficial QuickBooks Podcast: http://eepurl.com/iw4kpE
Learn more about Hector's conference in Miami: https://altaccountant.com/creative/
Connect with Blake Oliver, CPA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blaketoliver
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blaketoliver/
Creators and Guests

Hector Garcia, CPA
Hector M. Garcia is a CPA and QuickBooks Trainer for Quick Bookkeeping & Accounting LLC. He has over 10 years of experience working with small business finance and accounting, along with 3 Post-graduate degrees from Florida International University (FIU) in Accounting, Finance and Taxation.